Now available- This 17,000 word Your Stars 2018 Astrology Report covers all 12 Sun signs and gives an overview of your year ahead.
It’s at the bargain price of £7.99.
Your Stars 2018 Introduction
The calendar suggests that a new year will be different from its predecessor simply because the number of the year has changed (and some numerologists say the same), but astrology operates on planetary cycles that don’t recognise the boundaries of calendar years and months.
The arrival of 2018, however, coincides with one major planetary event.
Saturn, ‘The Great Chronocrator’ aka Old Father Time, struck its chimes at the midwinter solstice of December 21 2017, and transits the skies of the Goat until mid-2020. Capricorn being the sign of tradition, and Saturn being the planet of the status quo, it’s a transit likely to amplify, rather than subvert, the corporate power that’s held sway since the financial crash of 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn.
Saturn meets Pluto in 2020, an encounter with an unhappy history; Autumn 1914 and August 1947 are two cases in point, coinciding respectively with World War One, the partition India and the start of the Palestine-Israeli conflict.
Those who hope to change things, who offer hope not submission – may have to wait until Saturn reaches the humanist sign Aquarius in 2020. Jupiter always offers hope, and since the giant planet moved into secretive, sexy Scorpio last October, secrets, not least sexual, have tumbled into the public realm. Expect more of the same this year.
Jupiter’s move into the skies of The Centaur in November ’18 promises a year of righteous protest and successful campaigning.
The other big shift this year is planet Prometheus leaving the skies of the Ram for those of the Bull. Taurus is a sign synonymous with nature, agriculture, the plant realm, while Prometheus is a technological innovator. Cue GM crops and techno junk food. And cue vigorous resistance to such practices; Prometheus is also the campaigner aloft the barricades. The maverick planet – it alone spins vertically – arrives in Taurus in mid-May, then backs into Aries until March 2019.
Taurus is also the sign of banks, money and economists, so we can expect more fiscal weirdery and Bitcoin style crypto currencies, and innovative ways to run the economy; Universal Income for example.
The planetary timetable this year is especially complicated, thanks to Mars and Venus both in retrograde cycles this year. Mercury’s triple 3 week retrograde cycles are listed below. There is no total solar eclipse in 2018, but there are two total lunar eclipses on January 31 and July 27, both of which fall across the Leo-Aquarius of the horoscope, Leo being the sign of royalty, Aquarius that of the republic.
What these planetary patterns imply for members of each Sun sign is detailed in Your Stars 2018, while the free monthly forecasts of late 2017 also give a flavour of what to expect.
The interruption of the Sun’s light (and that of the Moon, which borrows the Sun’s light) represents an interruption in the energy flow, a flux point. Whether they are visible depends on where you are on planet earth – NASA have an excellent website that shows eclipse paths. Though some daring souls choose eclipses for big events, say a marriage, most astrologers suggest a lower profile for a couple of days. They are especially relevant to birthdays on said dates. Further thoughts are in the forecasts.
- January 31 – Total lunar eclipse in Leo
- February 15 – Partial solar eclipse in Aquarius
- July 13 – Partial solar eclipse in Cancer
- 27 July – total lunar eclipse in Aquarius
- August 11 – Partial solar eclipse in Leo
Mercury Retrograde
The planet of communication goes into reverse gear four times in 2018. Mercury’s retrograde is bothersome, but doesn’t always match its fearsome reputation: we all need to slow down sometimes. Do double check your tickets, look after your phone and retrieve your keys from the waste bin.
- March 23 – April 15 (in Aries)
- July 26-August 11 (in Leo)
- November 17-December 6 (in Sagittarius and Scorpio)
Prometheus versus Uranus
My forecasts refer to the planet widely known as Uranus as Prometheus, firstly because the myth of Prometheus, who gave fire to humanity, is a much better fit for its astrological meaning of liberation than the myth of Uranus, the tyrannical father of Saturn. And secondly because it means you can read out the forecasts without some smartass making that tiresome schoolboy joke.
A Note on “I’m on the cusp”
The precise date on which the Sun changes signs varies from year to year, leaving some uncertain whether they are, say, Taurus or Gemini.
You can find out easily by visiting this website
Some folks entertain the notion that because their birthday falls early or late in a sign, they are ‘on the cusp’ and have something of the adjacent sign as well.
This can be the case, since Mercury and Venus are never far from the Sun and are likely occupants of an adjacent sign (plus you have a one in twelve chance with the Moon). But your Sun is never ambiguous; it’s either in one sign or another. Check it out.
The timetable for each Sun sign (you can also read for your rising sign if you know it), are given in Your Stars 2018, whose price is just £7.99.
The New Year has something going on for all twelve signs of the zodiac, however I hope that Your Stars 2018 helps explain the timetable for each.
Many thanks and a joyous, productive year to my readers.
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