October is a busy month is the cosmos, thanks principally to a solar eclipse in Libra on the 2nd of the month. It is a total Solar Eclipse, and follows the partial eclipsed full Moon in Pisces in September. How closely you ally such celestial events to political and social events on planet earth is a tricky matter (unless it’s a moment in one of the great cycles involving major planets – say the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 that heralded the pandemic), but maybe an eclipse in Libra, sign of peace, diplomacy and understanding will help assuage the ongoing wars in Ukraine, the middle east and Sudan.
Major planetary events
- October 2 – New Moon in Libra (18.49 GMT) with Total Solar Eclipse
- October 9 Jupiter turns retrograde in Gemini
- October 13 – Mercury into Scorpio
- October 17 Full Moon in Aries 10.26 GMT
- October 17 – Venus moves into Sagittarius
- Mars is in Cancer all month
- Saturn remains retrograde in Pisces
- Prometheus remains retrograde in Taurus
- Neptune remains retrograde in Pisces
- Pluto is retrograde in the last degree of Capricorn, moves forwards on October 12 and moves back to Aquarius in mid-December
Libra and Libra rising
New Moons in your skies are invariably welcome, and so is this one, even though it comes with a hefty solar eclipse, which brings maverick energy with it. Plans go awry, old issues reappear, there’s a level of instability to an eclipse that suggests you skip big decisions and declarations for a few days until the dust has settled. Thereafter a fresh level of energy blows in, an element of self-discovery, self-will and the desire for renown on your own terms.
You have a few helpful factors in play. Mercury in your skies until 14th lends you administrative vigour, ruler Venus in your cash zone extra funds (though easily blown) and, if you believe in the strange entity Black Moon Lilith (who is popular these days and in the midst of the eclipse) a touch or two of the wild woman. Meanwhile Mars atop your solar ‘scope fuels your ambition for recognition. This last transit needs careful handling however, firstly because the capacity for conflict remains strong, and secondly because the red planet will spend much time here over the winter. Best manners please – remember yours is the sign of diplomacy.
The annual full Moon in Aries, your opposite number, arrives on the 17th to bring a touch of uproar to proceedings, after which a period of calm calls for the incoming month of Scorpio. Ruler Venus will be in Sagittarius by then- ideal for scooting round the ‘hood and flirting with the neighbours. Just an idea. Happy Birthday.
Scorpio and Scorpio rising
A major eclipse in your secluded, spiritual twelfth house is something to approach obliquely, doing yourself small favours – a bit of abstinence, say – and offering up thanks. You will have to wait until the new Moon in your own sign on November 1st before the changes the eclipse has in mind become apparent. There is plenty on offer meanwhile. Venus in your skies until October 18 has in mind good company, the odd wild night out, sexual attraction and creativity. Venus’s aspect to ruler Mars on the 7th and Neptune on the 16th are particularly juicy. Think Picasso and Keats, Plath and Paltrow.
The Sun in Scorpio from the 22nd of course, makes you top banana, and its aspects to Mars and Saturn during your birthday month are helpful. The turbulent patch in November can addressed closer to the time. Meanwhile Mercury, from October 14, helps you put in place all the tasks, errands, and admin you have been shirking. Happy Birthday.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising
For Centaurs a new Moon in Libra might be crudely translated as ‘What can we do for each other? Maybe we can swap favours.’ Crude, but that’s sometimes the way the world works, especially in business. The solar eclipse accompanying the new Moon can signify a deal gone wrong or an unexpected deal arising, but once it’s out the way in two or three days’ time, you should work like crazy to move things ahead before first Mercury and then the Sun vanish into your solar twelfth house.
October has a very sociable feel to it for other reasons. Jupiter, now four months into its year long opposition, turns backwards on the 9th – super strong when stationary, the giant planet asks again which partnerships might prove mutually advantageous, lucky or romantic, and any missed opportunities can be regained during the planet’s four month retrograde. Jupiter, your ruler, is also about freedom, so one or other might just take off. Talking of romance and good times, Venus arrives in your sign for its annual three week stay on the 17th, which together with the Aries full Moon the previous day, is the sign for high jinks and creative endeavours.
Also in the air this month is a triangle of planets in water signs – a little opaque in your case, but as one of them is Saturn, and you just had an eclipse in your fourth house, resolution to a property matter looks in the offing.
Capricorn and Capricorn rising
A solar eclipse at the peak of one’s solar ‘scope is big news for Capricorns. This is the peak to which members of your sign are meant to aspire, trekking intrepidly up the mountain side through long years to reach your rightful place as king or queen of the heap! The eclipse part throws a wild card into the mix; however, maybe you have reached an apex only to tire of it, maybe an existing boss has been taken out by corporate hitmen creating a vacuum for you to fill, or maybe it’s you that’s been, ahem, removed. In all cases there is a sense of conclusion in place, be it promotion, demotion or moving sidewards. Eclipse aside, October looks good value for enterprise and profile, with Venus in your eleventh house enabling you to gladhand fellow travellers, with the Sun taking over that role on the 22nd.
More personal relationships are also centre stage, thanks to Mars in opposition from Cancer, through which sign the red planet is moving slowly, ready for its retrograde phase. As pointed out previously, Mars can be quarrelsome (and you would be on the back foot) but also spell high energy attraction. In either case, the planet will be playing a significant part in your affairs this winter, so do try and keep relations with significant others on an equable basis. For romance, btw, the 14th looks a promising day, with Venus opposite Prometheus.
Finally, very finally, we come to Pluto, in the last degree of your sign and after the 12th, when it stops backsliding, heading for the exit door in mid-December for another 20 years or so. Probably no biggie unless your birthday is January 20, but another nudge to get a move on.
Aquarius and Aquarius rising
It may well prove a challenge to know where to devote your energies this autumn. You seem to be popular – or is that ‘pressured`? The first big news of October is the solar eclipse. Being in your kindred air sign of Libra it is broadly favourable to your cause, and highlights your idealism, your worldview, and perhaps your international contacts. Plus, any roles you have in education. There is a chance that the eclipse means a sudden shutting down of interest on your part, or a snag in your affairs, in which case major overhaul may be called for. More likely is that your direction of changes slightly. Once the eclipse is past you certainly have a fine run of transits favouring your professional interests, with Venus topping your ‘scope to be followed by Mercury and, at the 22nd the Sun. Venus moves on, but only to a hotspot for business affairs and small ‘p’ politics.
You also have great promise in more intimate matters. Four months of Jupiter in your fifth house (Gemini) should have at least shown you whether the state of your heart strings is resilient or restless for change, and perhaps introduced you to new creative endeavours or even a new lover. The giant planet is at a standstill in October as it changes direction, and therefore at maximum strength, but will continue to play a big part in matters during the run up to Christmas.
You will be hearing plenty about Pluto’s return to Aquarius in December. The distant planet certainly coincides with changes in the zeitgeist, but unless you have a birthday at the very beginning of your sign i.e. January 21-22, best not get too excited (or alarmed).
Pisces and Pisces rising
A fortnight after a lunar eclipse in your own skies – a prize candidate for disruption and misunderstanding – comes a solar eclipse in Libra, in the zone of your solar chart concerned with both money and your emotional life, and the intersection between the two. Only the foolhardy (and the royal family) take action on eclipses, but shortly afterwards is an opportune moment to wrestle your finances into shape, and perhaps discover whether banks have actual human managers rather than just ‘bots – someone you can talk to. Saturn in one’s skies is not usually a recipe for riches btw.
The emotional currents are another matter. A grand trine in water signs around the 12th – with Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer liking to Saturn in your own sign in an opportune triangle – is a time to discover romantic magic, to bring resolution to a relationship, to take a plunge. The Moon is in your skies just then to help things happen. The arrival of the Sun in watery Scorpio on the 22nd offers further support on through November. Meanwhile Venus at the peak of your ‘scope from the 18th is a call for a charm offensive at work.
Aries and Aries rising
Looks as though you will have plenty on your metaphorical plate in October. The annual new Moon in your complementary sign of Libra comes freighted with a powerful solar eclipse, signalling a new chapter in your one-on-one relationships, not just romantic affairs but anything that resembles a partnership, including old flames and illicit involvements. March birthdays are those principally in the frame. Whether that involves a bust-up or a recalibration will largely be down to the other half of the partnership, though, of course, discussion is always possible. Also on the card is the arrival of someone new, or the resumption of an old affair.
At the other end of the axis comes a full Moon in your own skies on October 17, an omen of an ending or completion, especially for birthdays circa April 14. The cosmos hasn’t finished with you there – ruler Mars is in Cancer, where it will be spending a lot of time over the course of the winter. It’s a somewhat provocative position, or at least demanding, and asks you to have your best head in when dealing with home and family, be it the trials of ‘having the builders in’ (enough to bring down the red mists on anyone) or a member of the tribe. Ensure that you get off to the right start.
Want a bit of glee? Jupiter in Gemini is on hand to provide it, especially if you are in the media or education, but you may have to try something out of the ordinary.
Taurus and Taurus rising
What modern times calls the work-life balance holds sway over your stars for much of October. The solar eclipse of the 2nd suggests a shake-down in how you divide your energies – duty and work on the one hand, health and wellbeing on the other. An eclipse sometimes means something or someone vanishes, in this case a job, but more likely is that this is a turning point in how you allocate your energies – the two weeks following should you allow you to figure out as much, with the full Moon of October 17 a potential source of healing, being conjunct Chiron, the enigmatic little planetoid that nevertheless packs an impressive blast of energy. Immediately after that full Moon, of course, Luna will be in your own skies (and exalted) for the weekend; a nice patch.
Then there is your ruling planet, Venus, in opposition from Scorpio until the 17th, from where it may cast you alluring glances or patch up a feud or a misunderstanding with the help of mercury, also in Scorpio…it’s good to talk! Venus in your eight house thereafter keeps romances at a somewhat intense level. The arrival of the mighty Sun on the 22nd, likewise highlights relationships over the next month. The other planet to keep an eye on is Mars, now in Cancer, where it will spend a lengthy sojourn this winter. This is an affable position for Taurus – water for your earth, and bears in particular on learning, teaching, the media, close friends and siblings. All good, but given the red planet’s lengthy retrograde, keep your affairs orderly.
Gemini and Gemini rising
This looks like a month of three halves (under Jupiter you always get more bang for your bucks), or rather three phases. The first hinges on the solar eclipse of October 2. Being in a kindred air sign, this is highly favourable new Moon, especially for May birthdays, bringing new people and into your orbit, not least in the run up to the full Moon between October 14 -17. Party hard! Ruler Mercury is on hand to keep comms sweet. Second comes the move of Venus into opposition from the 18th for three weeks – the relationship planet in the zone of one-on-one relationships calls for your softer, less judgmental side, and for commitment , or at least trust, where relationships are concerned.
Last comes a triangle of planets in water signs, a ‘grand trine’. all of which touch on touch on money matters, a good time to actively search for funds and chase debts. Jupiter remains in your skies, and after four months of the big feller you have hopefully seen some windfalls. Jupiter turns retrograde of the 9th, adding to its strength, and with Venus about to make contact with Jupiter in early November, keep the faith!
Cancer and Cancer rising
As a cardinal sign, Cancer is pushy, though without wanting to appear so (no point upsetting the horses, so to speak). With warrior Mars in your skies, however, you might as well be upfront (politely upfront) – about what you are after and what are your discontents. Mars is making a super aspect to Venus, promising at the least a romantically charged encounter or a fun time. With Saturn/Neptune forming a dynamic triangle, you can push on confidently with your affairs, perhaps finding escape from mere drudgery. Travel is on the cards.
October looks something of a pivotal month for you in other respects. New Moons are the Crab’s thing – Luna being your ruling heavenly body – and the eclipse in your fourth house of hearth and family is strong, perhaps shaking up who lives in your beautiful home – good moment for getting rid of pests, human and otherwise! The full Moon of the 17th is likewise potent, highlighting your public profile and career status. From the 22nd the Sun in Scorpio returns you to romance and to la dolce vita, where you are promised more joy in early November.
Leo and Leo rising
One drawback to having the mighty Sun as your sign’s ruler – perhaps the only drawback – is that periodically it’s eclipsed, drained of its power, however briefly, which makes solar eclipses something of a marker for you, perhaps bringing your regal notions down to earth (hello Liz Truss). The eclipse of October 2 is not the most fraught – you are not being opposed or blocked, merely being invited to reassess your view of the world, especially if you are an intellectual or work in education or the media. Once past the eclipse by a couple of days, you can hum along just fine – the Sun in airy Libra brings you positive social connections, with the full moon of the 17th in fiery Aries, a potential highlight when you are invited to explore new climes and places.
The more routine work you can get done, the better, since the arrival of Venus, romancer and scene-maker in Sagittarius on the 17th is a fire starter for matters of the heart – not just lurve, but any pursuit that arouses your passion, sport, sculpture, whatever. This makes the second half of October a highly sociable time, even though from the 22nd your Sun ruler will be in the zone of family and home (Leo Towers may need a spruce-up). Waiting in the wings is Mars, about to arrive in your skies in early November and create quite a stir!
Virgo and Virgo rising
An eclipse in your zone of assets can be an alarming thing – where’s your money gone? Better just check! – but more generally signals the need to give your finances a health check and figure out a way to make them grow, especially since you have the Sun and ruler Mercury to hand to do exactly that in the first half of October.
Your horoscope is otherwise in a genial place, with a triangle of planets in water signs making an easy fit for earthy Virgo. Indeed, as one of those planets is Saturn in opposition – not the easiest of transits – you should look out for a solution to an issue that’s been dogging you this year- almost certainly financial or property related. Another planet in the watery mix is Mars, which will spend a chunk of the winter in this same place, in your eleventh house of commerce and politics. You can weave influence here – -just be around your professional gang – while Jupiter sitting on top of your ‘scope for another eight months…that’s the kind of ‘influence’ you only get every dozen years.
Want to know the Key Astrology Dates 2024 to help you plan ahead?
My webmaster, fellow astrologer and friend Pam Carruthers has compiled 2 FREE REPORTS. The New and Full Moons in 2024, followed by the Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses Report.
The most important days in the entire year to avoid launching any new projects are the days of the Solar and Lunar eclipses and the days when Mercury goes Retrograde.
The Karmic Axis
Eclipses are major turning points in the year. In astrology they are indicated by the nodes of the Moon. The Lunar nodes aren’t planets. Eclipses happen when there is an alignment with the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. When these are aligned eclipses occur, which happen twice a year.
The Moon’s Nodes form an axis in astrology, which in our birth chart is said to represent one’s destiny or spiritual quest in life. The North Node points to a key lesson in our lives. It represents new experiences towards which we must aim during this life. We have already learnt the skills of its opposite point, the South Node, in the past. Now we must grow and stretch ourselves through the North Node.
In the birth chart this polarity indicates your past life (south node) and destiny (north node). This is known as the Karmic Axis. So the people born in that time span are our Soul group. In approx. 19 years the cycle repeats, so people born 19 years apart from us share the same lunar node sign, and are also aligned to our Soul group.
Eclipses 2024 are times for a major reboot
In 2024 the transiting North node is in Aries, the south node is in Libra. The theme will focus us on our relationships.
To sum up, eclipses are powerful new or full moons. Ideal for rituals and meditation but not good for parties, weddings, or any celebrations.