Your Stars January 2025

Cosmic Calendar The Year Ahead

Astrologers become animated when major planets change sign or conjoin. Distant planets appear to move slowly to we earth dwellers, and between them supply a host of planetary cycles unknown to astrologers of old, for whom Saturn defined the edge of the cosmos. These days Saturn, Prometheus, Neptune and Pluto and their cycles – when they conjoin or oppose each other – describe the wheels of history trundling and turning over thousands of years, enabling us to assign historical events to specific cycles. The computerised astrologers of modern times have become masters of the cosmos, or at least lords of their keyboards.

To take a recent example, 2020, the year when Saturn and Pluto conjoined, proved to be as rotten as astrology anticipated, though only the occasional commentator singled out a pandemic as the source of the woe to come. Among them was Andre Barbault, the French maestro  of cycles analysis, who made his prediction of a pandemic  in 2014, several years before his death.

 In 2025 Saturn, Prometheus and Neptune all change signs (Pluto recently did likewise) while Saturn and Neptune begin a conjunction that becomes precise in early 2026. Big news! The Saturn-Neptune cycle – they meet every 36 years – pits the hard-nosed qualities of Saturn against the idealism and longing of Neptune. It’s a cycle strikingly associated with Russia and the rise of Marxism, conjunctions coming in 1846, with publication of The Communist Manifesto, 1917 (Russian revolution), 1953 (death of Stalin) and 1989 (collapse of the USSR). We await the next phase with trepidation: are we looking at a Russian victory in Ukraine and further domination over old USSR territories, or the implosion of a shaky Russian war economy?

Barbault describes Saturn-Neptune in wider terms, as representing “power and prosperity above, and misfortune and poverty below.’ Frustrated populations, which have lost all hope, bring popular insurrections.

 There are other ways to interpret Saturn and Neptune together, with the immensity of nature (Neptune) bringing shock and awe to a humanity unable to cope with an ongoing climate crisis. 

 Because Neptune can also spell religion, with Saturn playing sceptic, we may also be looking at a time when the official version of events is at odds with grassroots experience, a world of ‘alternative facts’. 

 In other news from way out there, the arrival of Prometheus (aka Uranus) in Gemini in August describes a whirlwind of invention during its seven-year stay, interrupted by a couple of months back in Taurus next winter. This is the planet of technology in a cerebral sign, and in Gemini will be a divine affair. In terms of comms and tech, we ain’t seen nothing yet. 

 Pluto meanwhile has finally moved fully into Aquarius casting its baleful rays (sorry), presiding over global transformation for the common good (it says here). Aquarius is a complex sign; humanitarian and democratic (the Urn Bearer pours for all) but also scientific and controlling (‘we know what’s best for you’). Along with Sagittarius, it is one home of science fiction (see Jules Verne b. 8.2.1828) and space cadets. If you want a glimpse into the fabled Age of Aquarius (the fabled hum to which has fallen silent), take a look at Elon Musk, the ultimate Plutocrat and a real-life space cadet. His horoscope, many studies, is dominated by a Saturn-Neptune opposition, the same two planets conjoining this year, though in Musk’s chart, in opposition.

 Before we leave Barbault, it’s worth recalling the surprising forecast he left us with for 2026. “The most benefic configuration of the century, which will work for the splendid relaunch of civilisation.’ That sets a high bar but one worth attempting.

 Lastly, let’s not forget Jupiter, by tradition king of the planets and a joyful presence. Still the largest planet on show, Jupiter moves into Cancer in June, a reminder that for most of us, a home is what counts. . 

 Movements of the major planets in 2025-6

Jupiter moves from Gemini to Cancer on June 10

Saturn moves from Pisces to Aries on May 25, goes back to Pisces on September1 and back to Aries on February 15, 2026

Prometheus moves from Taurus to Gemini on July 7 then back to Taurus on November 8 until April 26

Neptune moves from Pisces to Aries on November 3, back to Pisces on October 23 and then back to Aries on January 27

Pluto remains in early Aquarius.

Retrogrades of Mercury

March 14- April 7 From Aries to Pisces

July 17 – August 11 in Leo

November 9-29 from Sagittarius to Scorpio 


14 March – Total Lunar eclipse in Virgo

29 March – partial Solar eclipse in Aries

7 September – Total lunar eclipse in Pisces

21 September partial solar eclipse in Aries 

Capricorn and Capricorn rising


A new Moon on December 29 is a happy way to start the new year. There is much immediately to be done – ‘Yes and thank heavens’ comes the response –  and Mercury’s winged heels flashing  through the Goat’s skies in January is the perfect time to despatch tasks. Wreck that to-do list. The full Moon of the 13th is a canny moment for celebration, not least because your social life is in happy but exhausting action through the spring. Relations with partners may not prove so easy-going. Mars in opposition for three and a half months means you’ll be held to account and even unjustly despatched  to the naughty step. Keep the exasperation low. And Happy Birthday. 


From June, an exalted Jupiter in your opposing sign puts relationships on a deeper and more joyous footing. Generosity of spirit flows both ways. ‘Lucky’ people lend you a bit of their good fortune. Meanwhile. Saturn’s  arrival at the root of your ‘scope for a few months, and for two years and more come 2026, should turn your head to the underground chasms and secret love nests of Chateau Capricorn to ensure the old place is still up to it.

 Aquarius and Aquarius rising 


Pluto’s freshly consolidated presence in your sign is not going to be the dominant influence in your horoscope over its 20-year transit, more like an orchestral score that plays in the background and occasionally booms out alarmingly and unavoidably. Birthdays January 20-21 may already have discovered as much with the clash of Pluto and Mars  and the same scary aspect returns for a third time in late April – but between times Pluto is not much involved. It’s a forceful month in any case, with a new Moon on the 29th driving events along; you are open for business materially  and emotionally. In February and March Venus keeps the social whirl spinning, with siblings, neighbours  and friends all onboard. Good stuff. 


Keep in mind Jupiter, beautifully sited in your zone of play, parties, and self-expression until mid- June. Artistic adventure and success call. Love affairs tend towards the all-consuming. The effect of Prometheus’ arriving in the same zone for three months from July may become more apparent in 2026, but creatively and emotionally it looks like a wild ride – not, constantly for seven years, but in thrilling episodes. 

Pisces and Pisces rising


A Piscean pal recently likened the transit of Saturn through the Fishes to ‘being shaken like a rat in the teeth of a terrier’. While the taskmaster planet doesn’t always play so rough, its touch is rarely light and invariably calls for concentration and persistence. Property is often involved as are elderly people, often a Saturn transit is about a major accomplishment or promotion but you will have earned as much by extended hard work. One way or another  you must climb Mount Doom to dump that damn ring into the fires below, finally paint that masterpiece or endure a patch of ill health. 

 Happy days beckon in 2025 –  Saturn completes its passage through the Fishes in late May, though it returns from September to January  2025 to ensure the job or jobs are done, this later phase applying especially to birthdays February 13-17. 

 Much else is going on in early 2025:

During January, an exalted Venus brings a beam of warm green light for home comforts and better company. The powerful new Moon of February 28 brings a complete lunar eclipse with it (widely visible in the northern hemisphere) and there’s another on September 7, both being signs of major change. That feeling is compounded by Saturn completing its business, and by Neptune leaving your skies after an epic 14-year transit of The Fishes.


Neptune and Fishes go together of course, but that doesn’t make Neptune (discovered1846 ) your ruling celestial body. As much is a convenient fix for those who insist the three outer planets must rule a sign, but life beyond Saturn is harsh and slow. Better to stick with your trad ruler, jolly and wise Jupiter. This holds an important point about 2025. Neptune’s departure is a weight off, as is Saturn’s, while Jupiter moves into watery Cancer in July, a most rewarding position, your totem planet exalted in your solar fifth house, stoking up creative and romantic passions. If you’re in a jam,  here’s  a free ticket out of Palookaville. 

Aries and Aries rising


Your ruler Mars opposite Pluto is not the brightest note on which to open the year, but nor is it a defining one. What does mark out early 2025 is the elaborate tango between Mars and Venus, both of which are in retrograde cycles. Mars spends its time at the root of your ‘scope, where a little domestic uproar may ensue, be it family squabbles or the builders refurbishing Chateau Aries. Simultaneously  Venus is present in the Ram’s skies for February and March to bring a sense of well-being where friendships blossom and, if you are looking, fresh romance flowers. The lights flash on and off, however. Venus isn’t fully back with you until May, when it moves in dazzling tandem with Mars in Leo; a humdinger of a transit that finds perfection around May 21. Before that comes a new Moon on March 29 – birthday of the  year. 


The arrival of Neptune and Saturn in the Ram is big news – see the introduction above – though the pair hold distinct meanings for you. Saturn remains the planet people complain about when they wilt under the pressure of work or a property deal, though it’s the same hard work that yields breakthroughs and plaudits, and the same deal that becomes a life-improver. Neptune is variously described as mystical, delusional, escapist, and arty, a somewhat uncomfortable fit for the snappy (sometimes snippy), get-it-done archetype of Aries. Anyway, you have 14 years to decide how that works for you; birthdays 21 and 22 March are the first explorers.

Taurus and Taurus rising 


Career matters take off once the Sun reaches the peak of your ‘scope on January 21 and conjoins Pluto – the new Moon that follows on the 29th carries something of Pluto’s deep, transformative energy, though that may also bring to light some previously hidden agendas. Through to your birthday season you alternate between social whirl and retreat, as ruler Venus goes through a retrograde cycle – thrilling in January, less so in February and March and enchanted once more in April. You finally get Venus in your skies in June, truly flaming this year. Look out for mars passing Pluto on April 26 and ringing the bell on career matters. Aim high.


As an earth sign, planets in water signs bring assistance. Jupiter’s arrival in Cancer for a year long stay is a case in point, nudging you into new friendships and finding common purpose  siblings of all stripes. Saturn, which has been doing a similar job with your wider social circle, slips into Aries, preparing you with inner work for its arrival in the Bull in 2028 (just saying). Neptune in Aries may be useful for your meditation. 

Gemini and Gemini rising


Early January provides a welcome oasis of (relative) calm,  when you can gather your thoughts and renew your plans for what looks an outstanding year. ‘Lucky’ Jupiter remains in your skies until shortly after your birthday, calling for optimism and derring-do, especially once the giant planet returns to forwards motion at the start of February. Meanwhile cogitate and plan. 

The other planet on your case is Saturn, moving across the roof of your ‘scope, the place where you forge your professional capabilities. Jupiter and Saturn marching in step until midsummer describes a helpful marriage of realism and optimism, ‘must do’, ‘can do”, and ‘never thought I could do it’. Jupiter calls for money and travel, Saturn for austerity and sticking it out. And Jupiter in The Twins means you always have a second option! 

An exalted Venus moving across the peak of your ‘scope during January is icing on the cake, a frisson of social intercourse, even romance. Business and pleasure go together. What’s unusual is that Venus returns here in April, so January’s business may well prove unfinished.


Your birthday month brings the crashing of cosmic gears, as major planets change signs simultaneously. Jupiter leaves Gemini – adios and gracias – while planet Prometheus arrives in the Twins for the first time since 1941. Prometheus is a planet of inspiration in both science and art, especially in a sign known for its cerebral qualities (Yes, you!). Prometheus is the ‘bolt from the blue’ revelation, and harbinger of unexpected change. The planet retreats from the Twins later in the year but in 2026 will be back to complete a seven year stay and to upset an applecart or two.

 As for Saturn and Neptune arriving in your eleventh house of small ‘p’ politics; a relief, but it’s time to get serious about your social life. Organise. 

 Cancer and Cancer rising 


cancerIn the bleak midwinter comes something special – the annual full Moon in Cancer, arriving this year on January 13; a time to celebrate survival and success. Opposite is the Sun in your partnership zone and with Mercury in opposition during January conversations with partners and other one-on-ones are called for. Indeed, it might be hard to shut them up.

Three months and more with Mars in your skies, until mid-April, is otherwise the main marker of early 2025. The red planet signals emotion, but it can be a clumsy kind of energy, apt to blurt the wrong thing at the wrong time, and best guided into simple hard work, improved times on your lap runs or, if you must, to romantic conquest (the weekend of January 25 looks hopeful). Avoid making unnecessary enemies. 

For much of early ’25 Mars makes helpful (trine) aspects to planets in Pisces, a kindred water sign, which keeps the emotional level warm. Mars moving backwards in January and February signals old relationships to be re-assessed – thereafter you are looking to the future. Escape – to other shores, other cultures – may appeal.


Go back twelve years and you will discover the last time Jupiter, King of the planets, was in Cancer’s skies. And twelve years before that and so on. Jupiter is upbeat, optimistic, and exploratory and comes super-powered by its ‘exaltation’ in Cancer. You can float around smiling, but Jupiter’s presence for a year signals the need to enlarge your perspective and bring your most upbeat energies to your enterprises. Remember, failure is allowed and may lead to something positive. With major activity in your career zone, expect a little flak from on high. 

Leo and Leo rising


The opening few days of the year could be among the most noteworthy. Mars in your sign opposes Pluto in an almighty showdown when something has to give…probably you! Further clashes between Pluto and the Sun and Mercury arrive later in January to keep you on your toes. Avoid getting into power plays that you can’t win, though the annual Leo full Moon on February 2 looks calm enough. 

Spring is a mixture of coming and goings when romance is apt to blow hot and cold, further confused by a spell of Mercury retrograde in March. You may not feel that you have your mojo  fully back until Mars returns to your skies on April 18, ready for another pass at Pluto (go steady!) and to take on the world at large. June 15 has a glorious glow.


Saturn’s shift into fellow fire sign Aries on May 25 doesn’t last long, just three months, though the ringed planet will be back in full force next year. nonetheless it should lighten the financial load and perhaps turn your head towards a new destination, be it via actual travel or somewhere new to live. Prometheus’ shift into Gemini is a winner for your small ‘p’ political life – who you know not what your know – and may drag you from your social comfort zone. 

Virgo and Virgo rising


Ideally it would be good to say, ‘Saturn’s leaving taking  and taking all your troubles with it,’ and that would be that. Except that in 2025 Saturn moves out of opposition for only three months (June, July, August) and you are not free of its demands until February 2026; step up to the plate and deliver the goods, no progress without commitment to the cause. Oh well, patience is part of Saturn’s sentence, and at least this year the taskmaster will be leaning largely in birthdays late in Virgo – say September 12- 22.

Making life with Saturn far more interesting in early July is Venus, exalted in Pisces, your opposite sign and there all of January, and then late March and early April as the lu-u-rve planet completes a retrograde cycle. Cue twinkling social scenes complete with crushes and flirtation. About time too. 

Even before your Saturn-free summer holiday, your also getting large favours from Jupiter, which behind 2025 at a halt in the middle of your tenth house, where you are on show via work. Following its restart in February Jupiter favours the lucky chance and the bright idea, even if it can be made practical only via Virgo’s organisational powers. In short, you get the rub of the green, smiles from the ambassadors of your profession.


Your birthday month brings a total eclipse of the Moon in your complementary sign of Pisces, just as the twin to the total eclipsed Virgo Moon six months earlier on March 14. Fretting on eclipses is a fool’s game, but this pair have a determined quality to them; the chance to wipe clean the slate and start afresh. And dump the past. Neptune sinking beneath the waves in Pisces has the air of an old oil rig still seeping toxins. But Virgos are ever a clean machine, and the poisons left over from the last decade or more can now be drained. 

Libra and Libra rising


It seems your work is far from done! Mars spends three and half months at the peak of your solar ‘scope, dragging you over old issues and works – redefining and improving them perhaps – and redefining your job description should you want to tweak it. At the same time your totem planet, Venus, is also in a retrograde cycle, in your opposite number, Aries, signalling happy relations with your main squeeze should you manage to keep up with him/her. Things don’t hit optimum accord until  May, potentially a month of glories.


The Ram also holds the key to much of the rest of the year. No need to fret about Neptune moving into long term opposition. It’s a planet Libra can handle better than most. Saturn’s move into opposition over the summer gives you a taste of what’s to come in 2026 and beyond, the need for merciless realism. As much will make a good counterweight to mighty Jupiter peaking your ‘scope for the first time in twelve years. In terms of self-advancement, you can accomplish much (aim high) and get to break bread with fine folks – the so-called great and good (who are usually neither) and the real deal. Circulate.

Scorpio and Scorpio rising


Big changes are in motion for every sign – but Scorpios, belonging toa fixed sign, can bristle at change. 

Obstinacy comes easy. You are also a water sign, and in 2025 watery Cancer and Pisces, are in full and helpful flow. With Pluto now guarding the root of your ‘scope, events may prove deep and even dark. The first weeks of 2025 may show you as much as the Sun joins Pluto on January 21st to bring hidden issues into the light. Your career path is much energised early in 2025, even if you can’t follow through on plans and discoveries just yet. That may have to wait until ruler Mars reaches the peak of your ‘scope on April 18.

Venus remains unusually active in your emotional life throughout the early months, but the planet of romance and gracious living is in retrograde cycle and casts her favours intermittently in January and late March.


Venus’s movements and the new Moon of February 28 are made all the more significant given that Saturn in Pisces has been asking you to fine tune your heartstrings and be certain where your affections lie, a test of commitment, perhaps. Saturn moves on in late May, if not for long, bringing a lighter mood. 

You say goodbye to another long-term player in early July, again only temporarily, when Prometheus leaves opposition, again only temporarily. That too, will bring lighter mood, though this year Prometheus us keen to test the mettle of birthdays between November 15-21. Be prepared to be surprised in a good if unsettling way.

In January, for example, an exalted Venus in Pisces works for all emotional and romantic bonds. Small luxuries may be called for! At a deeper level Saturn remains in Pisces about to complete a two or three yest of your just where your heartstrings and your feelings lie. A test of commitment perhaps. In 2025 Saturn complete its work and leaves you lighter mood.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising


SagittariusSaturn and ruler Jupiter have you firmly in their sites and the pressure is growing for results, whether professionally speaking or an equable relationship with your main squeeze. Saturn’s job these last two years and in 2025, has been to ensure a firm base, a rightful home, from which to operate. No small task, but one made easier this year by Neptune finally getting out of your domestic zone. The years of shuttling between two properties may be over.

Three and a half months of Mars in your financial zone looks like a thorough wash and  scrub-up for money matters, especially your links to other people and their loot. Deals must be equable, as is made clear by ruler Jupiter in opposition. 

 Your romantic life looks like leading you a merry dance during spring, as Venus comes and goes through your fifth house of play and delight. Despite any difficulties it’s a tremendous transit, reaching full glory in May. Did someone say ‘wedding’?


June’s change of sign by ruler Jupiter signals a deepening of personal ties over winter. The advent of Prometheus into opposition – which becomes permanent in 2026 – is dynamite, a giant spark for every idea and inventive move you can produce. Extricating yourself from the mire of Neptune in Pisces may prove tricky; there may be additions to conquer, toxins to drain off. You may need to publically declare some before-and-after moments. 

Special Offer on Astrology Consultations from Pam Carruthers

P.S. Readers often ask if I give personal readings. I don’t. My primary jobs remain journalist and writer. By contrast, Pam Carruthers, webmaster, fellow astrologer and friend, is a professional astrologer who uses both western and vedic systems for individual clients.

Pam, who is now based in Eastbourne in the UK, has an international clientele. She is a gifted astrologer and teacher and offers Astrology Life Coaching based on your birth chart. Her website is

She has some spaces for coaching and consultations this month. There’s a Special Offer on a Full 90 minute Soul Astrology Consultation until midnight January 4th that can be taken in January via Zoom.

 See this page for Pam’s Special Offer on Astrology Consultation

Want to know the Key Astrology Dates 2025 to help you plan ahead?

Pam Carruthers has compiled 2 FREE REPORTS. The New and Full Moons in 2025, followed by the Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses Report.

The most important days in the entire year to avoid launching any new projects are the days of the Solar and Lunar eclipses and the days when Mercury goes Retrograde.

The Karmic Axis

Eclipses are major turning points in the year. In astrology they are indicated by the nodes of the Moon. The Lunar nodes aren’t planets. Eclipses happen when there is an alignment with the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. When these are aligned eclipses occur, which happen twice a year.

The Moon’s Nodes form an axis in astrology, which in our birth chart is said to represent one’s destiny or spiritual quest in life. The North Node points to a key lesson in our lives. It represents new experiences towards which we must aim during this life. We have already learnt the skills of its opposite point, the South Node, in the past. Now we must grow and stretch ourselves through the North Node.

In the birth chart this polarity indicates your past life (south node) and destiny (north node). This is known as the Karmic Axis. So the people born in that time span are our Soul group. In approx. 19 years the cycle repeats, so people born 19 years apart from us share the same lunar node sign, and are also aligned to our Soul group.

To sum up, eclipses are powerful new or full moons. Ideal for rituals and meditation but not good for parties, weddings, or any celebrations.

Sign up for 2025 Free Reports by Pam Carruthers

One thought on “Your Stars January 2025

  • 2nd January 2025 at 10:21 am

    Happy new year Neil! Thank you for these posts! I have read so many posts on solar eclipses which are contradictory. Lunar ones in my experience are more forthright and obvious in their effects. What is your take on them? March 29th looks interesting with all those planets close to the north node!


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