The new Moon of January 29 ushered in the Chinese Year of the Snake. The twelve creatures of the Chinese zodiac are modified by its five elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, Earth), meaning they revolve in a 60-year cycle; with the last Year of the Wood Snake being 1965, and before that 1905.
As in Western mythology, the Chinese Snake is ambiguous: sagacious but scheming, though its more extreme character is apparently modified by the element of wood. A Dragon year – which we have just left behind – is associated with drama, while a Snake year is reckoned calmer, more consolidating, bringing economic upturn. However, treachery, and conspiracy are rife in Snake years.
Your astrologer is no expert on such matters, however, just an interested observer who anticipates no shortage of drama in 2025. Incidentally, 2026 is a year of the Fire Horse, one of the more alarming configurations in Chinese astrology.
Returning to western skies, February sees a sharp shift in the tempo of events, as Jupiter and Prometheus return to forwards motion after several months appearing to slide backwards (which, of course, they never do in reality, only when see from earth). Only Mars remains in retrograde and then only until the end of February. The most famous retrograde – that of Mercury – arrives next month to slow things down again. Also incoming in March is a total eclipse of the full Moon. Hold onto your seats.
Celestial Timetable
- The Sun moves from Aquarius to Pisces at 10.06 GMT on 18 February.
- Full Moon in Leo on February 12 at 13.53 GMT.
- New Moon in Pisces on February 28 at 00.45 GMT.
- Mercury begins the month in Aquarius, moving to Pisces on February 14.
- Venus moves from Pisces to Aries on February 4.
- Mars spends the month in Cancer, moving from retrograde to forward motion on February 24.
- Jupiter is in Gemini moving from retrograde to forward motion on February 4.
- Saturn is moving forward in Pisces all month.
- Prometheus is moving forward in Taurus all month.
- Neptune is moving forward in Pisces all month.
- Pluto is moving forward in Aquarius all month.
Aquarius and Aquarius rising
A new Moon in your sign (January 29), a new Chinese year and just possibly that ‘new you’ that the glossy mags are always promising. February is certainly an auspicious month, with that Aquarian Moon perfectly aligned with Jupiter, and the giant planet now on the move forwards. Jupiter’s message to Urn Bearers is twofold: think big and be as open-hearted as you can manage. Emotional intelligence is currently as important as the scheming, rational stuff. Thanks firstly to Jupiter, new relationships are in the frame, not least around the full Moon of the 12th, when Luna makes a precise aspect to Prometheus, another planet waking up after a long spell in backslide. Prometheus is the ‘electric shock’ planet and may bring news about your career path.
From the 18th the Sun is in Pisces and your cash zone. Saturn in Pisces has likely done you few favours financially over the last couple of years, but the new Moon here brings hope, keeping in mind Venus, in her role as money planet, will be back in April to top up your account. Happy Birthday.
Pisces and Pisces rising
After a month basking in the glow of Venus (an exalted Venus at that), you now enter a complex and possibly perplexing phase of the year. Take great note of what went down in the latter part of January and the first few days off February since you will be revisiting events (external and internal) in late March and all of April, when Venus backtracks into your skies. Obviously, since Venus is the planet of relating, that includes romances, and with Neptune in the mix, who knows whether you are juggling a mighty affair or a misunderstanding.
Meanwhile Venus in her guise as money planet is keen to see you prosper; ingenuity is key. Plus, with Saturn still ever present, tea breaks come few and far between and commitment to the professional (or official) cause is always needed. Your birthday month, beginning on the 18th, brings some welcome heft and clarity (Mercury is visiting), plus a terrific new Moon on the 28th February to help push everything along. Ruler Jupiter in your home zone favours redecoration, a new wing added to Pisces Place or an unusually lavish party. Enjoy.
Aries and Aries rising
You look quite the man/woman about town in February. The Sun and Mercury in Aquarius are a good fit for wheeling and dealing, while the presence of Venus in your skies from the 4th lends you a potent stream of charm, be it the carefree variety or the burningly romantic kind – the latter is to the fore at the Leo full Moon of the 12th. Things become more muted in the second half of the month when the Sun is in Pisces – time for an introspective walk or two – but Venus remains your companion for another month, with more to come in May. For the creatives among you, inspiration should be on tap.
Ruler Mars waking up at the end of the month should see the revival of one plan, perhaps a family affair, especially for birthdays circa April 7. Simultaneously Venus turns retrograde, suggesting you re-examine your social/romantic life, perhaps to acknowledging any clumsiness, or retrieve a lost number.
Taurus and Taurus rising
Career goals are insistent this month and next. The new Moon of January 29 opened a fresh chapter where you must click heels and be seen to follow orders – this is a new moon in Aquarius, now with added Pluto – the good news being that financial rewards are also involved, thanks to a brilliant aspect to Jupiter. With the giant planet in your cash zone until June, you should be able to maintain the flow.
The Sun’s presence in Pisces after the 18th also impinges on your career, focusing on your peer group and fellow travellers. With Saturn here you may be fruitfully rubbing shoulders with older colleagues but keep in mind the rumour mill is likely to prove unreliable. The new Moon of the 28th refreshes this aspect of your public life.
The re-awakening of planet Prometheus in your skies should help remind people what a forceful character you can be. For once there is no need to dig in when you feel under pressure – reply in kind. February 4 and 5 are excellent dates to fly your flag. For once ruler Venus is doing you few public favours, being sequestered in your twelfth house of contemplation, but she will be back in a few weeks’ time. Meanwhile, build in down time to what looks a busy schedule. The full Moon of the 12th falls in your domestic zone, suggesting that one phase regarding your lovely home has been reached. Time to revive and overhaul.
Gemini and Gemini rising
Your sign has a famously low tolerance when it comes to boredom, and now more than ever the humdrum is your enemy. You need perspective, the sort granted by a holiday or foreign trip, which is what the new Moon in Aquarius (29 January) ideally has in mind, but if you can’t manage as much then a weekend away or a session putting the world to rights with a different set of colleagues should do it. For Twins, 2025 is a year of change and early January was the time to draw up a masterplan of what or who stays and goes.
That new Moon in Aquarius makes a piercing aspect to Jupiter in your skies, which is now moving forwards, dragging you along with it! It’s a busy month, with the Pisces new Moon of February 28 demanding fresh commitment to professional matters – here you must walk it like you talk it (and we know how much Geminis like to talk). Also, on the loose this month, and perhaps running wild, is Venus. The relationship planet occupies the zone of friendship and fellow travellers – the folks that fill up your address book. Camaraderie and perhaps romance are in the frame in both February and March, with the relationship planet backsliding in March. Don’t be surprised if certain people (and yourself) follow suit and blow hot and cold. Real friendships survive short-term agitation.
Cancer and Cancer rising
Do you currently feel stuck, or obliged to dig in your heels to preserve your position for fear of something worse? Such feelings find an echo in your horoscope, where Mars in your skies is slowing to a halt later in the month. One danger meanwhile is that you will blow your top with frustration, another that you can’t see a way forwards during what may prove a challenging month. Hang in there. The new Moon in Aquarius (on January 29) offers a fresh perspective on your finances, where joint or communal action comes to your aid. Here, the weekend of February 15 may prove pivotal.
Shortly afterwards the Sun’s shift into fellow water sign Pisces loosens things up. The new Moon of the 28th aligns Mars perfectly with Saturn, a signal to go all out of major projects and any problem involving officialdom. Also working on your behalf can be Venus. The relationship planet occupies the career zone of your ‘scope over the next two months (and beyond), a cue for a charm offensive at work, backed by something less charming if necessary. You may find personal relationships less easy, with a retrograde expecting you to keep up with others’ every mood swings.
Leo and Leo rising
February brings with it a veritable bundle of influences, everything from outright opposition to stalwart support. Aquarius being your opposite but kindred sign, your Sun ruler is in opposition alongside Mercury, putting you on the back foot where partnerships are concerned – better to compromise and reach accord than prove obstinate. You may have other ideas around the giddy Leo full Moon of the 12th – this is your party and you’ll flounce if you want to – but since Pluto is involved, go easy!
Mid-month is the likely focus for other planets to play their part. Newly active and a boost through to June is Jupiter, sweetly placed in the zone of networking, making the first part of the year the time to forge mutually advantageous deals. Also active is Prometheus, sat atop your ‘scope and a decidedly mixed omen, apt to presage instability from your employers while sudden fancies of your own to declare independence need thought, not impulse (take note 17 August birthdays).
As January may have shown you. Leo’s emotional life is apt to run deep (and maybe secret) just now, a pattern likely to maintain during the month of Pisces, though Venus is currently a wild card, drawn to infatuation and lovers from afar. Your shout.
Virgo and Virgo rising
In the era of ‘celebs’ and ‘influencers’, work and fame can have a very remote relationship. Nonetheless, in your current horoscope your public profile/career standing comes entwined with simple hard graft, though there may not be much simple about your actual job. With Jupiter onside, February and March are splendidly starred for your public profile, this being no time for you to adopt a humble, shy Virgoan persona. Show up and show out! The next few months are loaded with promise. The 13th and 14th are ideal.
In a different way, things also look turbulent in the realm of personal relationships. The 28th brings a new Moon in your zone of relating, spelling a chance to deepen and consolidate a partnership if your heart(s) are in it – after all, what is Saturn for if not commitment? Yet Venus remains in the midst of a complicated retrograde cycle, which brings the planet of relating back into opposition in April, so affections can change. Plus, there’s a total eclipse of a Virgo full Moon heading your way in March so…well… consider matters carefully.
Libra and Libra rising
Your two fellow air signs – Aquarius and Gemini – are promising big favours this month. A new Moon in the Urn Bearer (on January 29) enlivens your personal life until the 18th – social events, affairs of the heart, creative acts – a reminder to spend less time in the house. The full Moon of the 12th turns up the dial on such matters and augurs well for Valentine’s Day. Singletons should seek away from the beaten track, which is what Jupiter in Gemini has in mind.
Your ruler Venus remains the key planet in all partnerships. It’s in opposition in February and March so Venus can bring fresh faces into contention for your favours, sweeten existing relationships or bring a spell of self-indulgence – ‘Lazy Libra’ as the saying goes. All is made more uncertain by the planet’s retrograde, which won’t resolve until April, asking you to be careful where you place your trust.
Scorpio and Scorpio rising
Several years of Prometheus in opposition have persuaded some Scorpios – usually the Steady Eddie of the zodiac – to overturn relationships in search of liberation. Scorpios are not afraid of uproar once they are convinced. Said planet is prone to search out dissatisfaction, especially among birthdays circa November 16-17, though the arrival of an electrifying newcomer also fits the frame.
Otherwise, your horoscope is in the business of business, preparing for a leap ahead in professional matters in May when ruler Mars hits the peak of your ‘scope. Meanwhile Mars in retrograde calls for diligence, research and exploration should prevail, especially if you are eying a change of employer. The full Moon of the 12th may give you a taste of where things are heading. Affairs of the heart have been under benign stars so far in 2025 – thank Venus – and will be again come April and May, but you may have to be patient with those unconvinced by you…how dare they?
Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising
You wait and wait for a decent transit and then two come along at once. Ruler Jupiter is actually in the same place it was last July, but the giant planet has been in retreat for three months and staying largely out of the action. Now moving forwards, Jupiter is super active on your behalf this Spring, rebirthing partnerships and sparking new ones. Simultaneously Venus arrives in Aries to juice up your creative, social and romantic lives. You might find yourself playing tag with a new crush, but it’s all in the game, as the song says, and the game isn’t over till the fat lady sings at midsummer.
Meanwhile the new Moon in Aquarius (January 29) highlights your skill set and the full Moon of the 12th optimises your outreach to distant contacts. You might as well grandstand a bit at work. The new moon in Pisces on February 28 reasserts the importance of family and hearth, and the importance of finding a place you can truly call home. If you are looking, March is an optimum time to do so.
Capricorn and Capricorn rising
The Aquarian new Moon on January 29th was in your house of ready assets – cash, in short, and the first half of February is ideal for making more of the folding stuff or, especially at the full Moon rummaging the back of the sofa and finding more of it. With Pluto now in this zone of money (and self-valuation) your well-known Midas touch should be in use regularly. With Venus at play in your home zone, you could do worse that splash out on creature comforts.
A strong element of refreshment is at work throughout your world, thanks to planet Prometheus waking up from its winter sleep in fellow earth sign Taurus. These favours taking a risk or two with romance this spring, if your interests like in that direction, but extends into other areas – friendships, hobbies, new skills, deep learning. Existing partnerships not so much, or not yet. Mars in opposition through to mid-April promises fireworks there this spring – hopefully, the right sort – but you are better off waiting for March before making a move. Observe and evaluate.
New Online Astrology Course and Astrology Consultations from Pam Carruthers
Readers often ask if I give personal readings. I don’t. My primary jobs remain journalist and writer. By contrast, Pam Carruthers, webmaster, fellow astrologer and long time friend, is a professional astrologer who uses both western and vedic systems for individual clients.
Pam, who is now based in Eastbourne in the UK, has an international clientele. She is a gifted astrologer and teacher and offers Astrology Life Coaching based on your birth chart. On February 18th Pam is teaching her online astrology course for a small group.
The Planets Within Online Astrology Course.
Know Thyself- A Journey of Self Discovery. Learning keeps you young!
This 10 week Planets Within Online Astrology Course is an in-depth journey through your inner archetypes – the planets – with guided meditations.
This course is for beginners and those who wish to deepen their understanding.
It’s designed for a small group, maximum 6 students for personal attention. Pam has been running this Planets Within Course for over 20 years.
The intention of this astrology course is to encourage and inspire you on your spiritual journey. Her website is
See this page for Planets Within Online Astrology Course>
Want to know the Key Astrology Dates 2025 to help you plan ahead?
Pam Carruthers has compiled 2 FREE REPORTS. The New and Full Moons in 2025, followed by the Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses Report.
The most important days in the entire year to avoid launching any new projects are the days of the Solar and Lunar eclipses and the days when Mercury goes Retrograde.