Your Stars December 2024

Cosmic Calendar

1 December – New Moon in Sagittarius at 06.31 GMT

15 December – Full Moon in Sagittarius  at 09.02 GMT

30 December – New Moon in Capricorn at 22.27 GMT

The Sun moves into Capricorn – the midwinter solstice – on December 21 at 09.20 GMT

Mercury spends the entire month in Sagittarius retrograde until 15 December

Venus moves from Capricorn to Aquarius on 7 December

Mars spends the month in Leo, turning retrograde on December 6

Jupiter continues to slide backwards in Gemini.

Saturn is moving forwards in Pisces all month.

Prometheus spends the month backsliding in Taurus.

Neptune remains in Pisces, moving from retrograde to forward motion on December 7

Pluto spends the month moving forward in Aquarius, leaving the first degree (of 30) of the Water Bearer on 30 December, for the first time since 1778.

Remembering Michael Lutin

Like many others, I was saddened to hear of the recent death of American astrologer Michael Lutin. Michael was a popular and genial figure, whose ‘Planetarium’ Sun sign column in Vanity Fair was must-read. A hard-talking New Yorker by birth, he was a Tibetan Buddhist by inclination, with an interest in depth psychology. He was the author of several books, including Saturn Signs and How To Be Happy with Astrology. His lectures, like his columns, were humorous but insightful. He liked to have fun teasing his readers, but he was always supportive.

 In 2008, as Pluto moved into Capricorn, he persuaded Vanity Fair to carry a piece in which he looked ahead at its transit, especially at the Pluto Return in the US national chart. It was a hard-hitting, ominous piece. It didn’t prove entirely accurate, because the eight years of Barack Obama’s presidency were not as extremist and scary as Uranus’ transit of Aries suggested to Michael, but his thoughts on Pluto in Capricorn still resonate:

“Pluto in Capricorn is going to change America from the inside out, threaten our very existence, challenge our economy, and divide the country politically. The government is going to be so paranoid during those years that it doesn’t really matter who gets in in 2008.

“Pluto in Capricorn means the ascendance into overt power of corporations in relation to the government. But that situation will change when Pluto enters Aquarius, at the end of the 2020s.

“The words “patriot” and “treason” will lose their meaning, and in some cases they will become interchangeable. What is treason to one person will be patriotism to another—just as it was back in the 1760s and 70s.” 

 The essay’s somewhat doomstruck note was an uncomfortable fit for what is essentially a feelgood Hollywood magazine – in California the sun is always shining – and perhaps alarmed the great and good in the editorial boardroom. Or perhaps the magazine was just another example of astrology being considered no longer in vogue.

In any case, Planetarium was soon gone from Vanity Fair.

 Michael continued his Sun sign column for a while on his website, and then confined himself to occasional comments and conference appearances. He will be missed.

 You can find a full obituary by Australia’s Jessica Adams here.

 Michael’s 2008 Vanity Fair prediction for Pluto in Capricorn is here:

December Stars

With Mercury in one of its regular retrograde cycles until 15 December, Christmas travel arrangements may prove unusually problematic and subject to revision. Likewise, Xmas shopping and Xmas post. There is, however, plenty of time between Mercury reverting to normal service and the actual festivities.

Like many pollsters and the Democratic party of the United States, the astrological world is asking itself how it could not have predicted the emphatic triumph of Donald Trump in that country’s  recent elections. Some astrologers called it correctly, of course, but mostly the feeling that it would be a close-run thing.

 The aftermath puts the dominant planetary signature of the moment into further consideration – absolutist Pluto, finally in Aquarius, opposite Mars, bringer of war. In Your Stars November 2024. your astrologer considered the possible readings, which remain somewhat brutal. Perhaps, also, it is time astrologers stopped considering that every planet has its good and bad traits, and started to acknowledge that Pluto is essentially bad news, whichever sign it is in.

 Reassuringly, Christmas has yet to be abolished (we are not yet in Narnia). The midwinter solstice – the rebirth of the Sun, the birth of the Son  – arrives at precisely on December 21, helping make the weekend a hotspot for revellers. Christmas day itself has a dynamic and idealistic triangle of plants in air signs – Moon in Libra, Jupiter in Gemini, Venus in Aquarius, a trio that restates the question so memorably posed by songwriter Nick Lowe: “What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding?”

 The world gets a new Moon in Capricorn on December 30, which means that Luna should become visible on January 1st, when it will also conjoin Pluto and oppose Mars.

Here’s wishing all my readers a joyous Christmas and a prosperous new year.

 For those of you impatient to know what 2025’s planet look like, my on-line agent Pam Carruthers has compiled a calendar of all the crucial astrological dates and is offering them absolutely free! You can find them here…

 Sagittarius and Sagittarius rising

SagittariusBack to the Future anyone? A new Moon in the Centaur conjunct a retrograde Mercury is something of a contradiction: it definitely marks a fresh start, especially for December birthdays, but there’s a strong element of the past in play, whether the recent past or some episode from further back. Nonetheless, this looks a very purposeful month, especially once Mercury returns to action on the 15th – which also sees a full Moon opposite you in. your partnership sign Gemini.

The Centaur’s celestial ruler, Jupiter, has spent the last six months in Gemini, signalling an intensification of partnership issues, at best their enrichment or the advent of a new playmate, but because Jupiter is also about freedom, a possible break for the better. December carries echoes of events in June, and the chance to drain bad blood from any partnership/romance/friendship. Keep your eyes open for international contacts, which have an exciting role come springtime. Meanwhile: Happy Birthday!

Capricorn and Capricorn rising

First things first. Enjoy a final week of Venus passing through your skies until December 7, so be upfront with the charm button turned up to 11 and a discerning eye for anything aesthetic. A relaxed attitude is also recommended by the new Moon of December 1st, which falls in the area of mind/body/spirit. With Mercury also retrograde here until the 15th and thereafter until the new year, mysteries are there to be unlocked, therapies tried, spas visited. The full Moon of the 15th may offer illumination of your inner workings.

On a more tangible level, on the 8th Venus will be moving onto your second house, your cash zone, and aspecting Mars on the 12th, when emotions over money can spill over between you and your main squeeze. To fully understand where relationships are heading, however, keep in mind that Mars is heading backwards and early in the new year will be in opposition for three months or more. So abrupt decisions just now are likely to be ill-advised. On your side from the start of December is asteroid Pallas Athene, named after the goddess and guardian of Athens and usually depicted with a spear and helmet – a very capable female then. She is joined by the Sun at the winter solstice and by a new moon in your skies on December 30, the month’s top birthday.

Aquarius and Aquarius rising

Don’t faint with shock, but it appears that you are the belle or beau of the ball right through Christmas to New Year. For this happy episode you can thank Venus. The planet of social interaction, romance and artistic creativity arrives in your skies on the 7th, when it conjoins Pluto before moving on to oppose Mars on the 12th, which is quite the date for sensual encounters, meaningful stares across the ballroom floor and the like.  The full Moon of the 15th maintains your momentum and calls for displays of good taste/lashings of bling (erase to taste).

Alternatively, you can spend three months polishing off your etchings ready for sale. Venus can be a money planet (all that good taste doesn’t come cheap), which is as well given that skinflint Saturn remains in charge of your cash flow. The new Moon of December 30 signals the need for rest in the following weeks, during which Mars obligingly gets out of your way for a few months.

Pisces and Pisces rising

Saturn, reawakened in your skies, remains the planet to follow, meaning patience and steady effort pay off. You are now on a home stretch with  one or other big plans or simply the effort to make headway with your career. Don’t be knocked off course = the new Moon of December 1st is all in your favour even if retrograde Mercury (until the 15th)  exasperates your plans. Luna at first quarter in your skies on December 8 helps renew your purpose – it’s  handy day, with the Sun opposite your Jupiter ruler.

With the emphasis on major projects, pleasures are where you find them. Jupiter in your home zone suggests domestic jollity for the festive season, and the full Moon there on the 15th perhaps bringing  a new mosaic on the floor of Villa Pisces. Romance? Venus in Aquarius is a ho-hum presence for you, unless you were born with planets in the Water Carrier (quite common), but Venus will arrive in your skies just after new year to reanimate your love life, perhaps in spectacular fashion. Meanwhile ;the new Moon of December 30 works in your favour. Gather the gang!

Aries and Aries rising

Before considering the season of goodwill, keep in mind that December is the season of fire! That’s fire from the Sun in Sagittarius, from your totem planet, Mars, in Leo and, of course from you, born with the Sun and heaven knows what in Aries. All of which makes December a dynamic month, despite Mercury’s go-slow in the Centaur (until the 15th) and despite Mars also being in reverse. It’s a month for questing, for travel, for parties and high jinks, and, perhaps for sorting out a tangled romance or friendship.

That retrograde Mars is full of surprises, especially for March birthdays – on the other side of the zodiac is Venus in Aquarius, and their opposition on December 12 is a hotspot for social occasions and romantic eyes across a crowded room. Ditto the full Moon of the 15th. Mars may bring an old flame back into contention or, since the red plant will be back here in spring, put down a seed that comes alive later.

The second new Moon of the month on December 30, is business like and career oriented. Ruler Mars will shortly be back in Cancer (January 6) ready to sort out career, home, or both.

Taurus and Taurus rising

Prepare yourself for a month of many chapters. The planetary signatures come flying at you –  and at everyone else of course but hold a practical element for Taureans. Firstly, there is a new Moon December 1st that asks uncomfortable questions about money. Jupiter in your cash zone is a handy long-term omen for pecuniary matters, but with Mercury in retrograde opposite, work on the cashflow and spread sheet surely needs to be done. The full Moon of the 15th brings things to crunch point, but prospects improve as December progresses.

Then there is your career. The transit of ruler Venus across the roof of your ‘scope this month promises a rosy public profile, and its conjunction with Pluto on the 7th may even turn your thoughts in a new direction. Venus’ opposition to Mars on the 12th could go one way or another – promotion at work or crisis at home. The Moon is then in your skies so it looks eventful. Mars moves into opposition to Pluto at the end of the month to further suggest a rethink on career strategy. The new Moon on the 30th is in fellow earth sign Capricorn and has an outgoing, adventurous feeling to it.

Gemini and Gemini rising

December is very much your month, Gemini, albeit a tangled and challenging one that is centred on partnerships of all stripes; anything from bridge partner to lover, friend, ex, or even a blatant enemy. Opposite you on December 1st is a new Moon alongside your ruler, Mercury, which is in retrograde until the 15th, coincidentally the annual full Moon in your own skies where Jupiter continues its residency.

The Sun and new Moon opposition brings Jupiter’s optimism and wellbeing to the fore but emphasise that other people can’t be taken for granted – they and their needs are likely to be in your face.   The retrograde Mercury  further suggests that they will be chopping and changing opinions and attitudes along the way. Your role is to be big-hearted about it, roll with the punches, let others have their shout, be generous. The full Moon is invariably a slightly freaky time, and this one looks no exception, especially with Christmas looming.

There is plenty more to consider. Saturn at the peak of your ‘scope is only now getting back up to speed after November’s turn-around, and holiday or not, will be leaning on you to set career matters straight. Adopt a six-month outlook to make the changes you yearn for. Also, on patrol this month is Venus in fellow air sign Aquarius, emphasising love and romance across the borders.

Cancer and Cancer rising

cancerA final week of Venus in opposition, until the 7th, won’t do your social and romantic life any harm and may yet spring a happy surprise on you. Harmony is what you are looking to attain, not just in that week but over the next few months. As much is down to Mars, not the politest of planets – clumsy and trouble prone are more its style – which already passed through Cancer’s skies in October but is now backsliding your way ready to take up residence for three months from early January. Worry about it then by all means, but in December Mars (in Leo) can still cause trouble with partners around the 12th when it clashes with Venus, and when money be the issue.

Much of December is a mixed bag. A new moon on the first in your work zone doesn’t look like it’s going to you off the treadmill, though Saturn, now picking up speed in fellow water sign Pisces, offers support for long term projects, and the arrival of the Sun at the solstice and a new Moon in Capricorn on December 30 opens a new partnership cycle. Remember, harmony is what you are after.

Leo and Leo rising

Providing you can keep the red mist from descending – always a possibility when Mars is present – December looks like one of the best months of the Leo year. Firstly, your Sun ruler is in fellow fire sign Sagittarius, as ever this time of year, with a new Moon in the Centaur on December 1st. Mercury alongside is fine but the comms planet is retrograde until the 15th, so it may take patience and a plan ‘b’ for you to achieve full lift-off.

Your horoscope is unusually busy throughout. The Sun makes an opposition to  Jupiter on the 7th – a slice of luck on a plate for some of you. There is Mars in your skies, albeit heading backwards, and Venus in opposition from the 8th, the latter pushing fine company your way and making a super-romantic opposition to Mars on the 12th. Also in the works is Pluto, now in opposition for 20 years, a cause of over excitement in some astrological quarters. Still, if your birthday is July 22/23, Pluto’s encounter with Venus and with Mars – as 2025 opens – may prove transformative.

Virgo and Virgo rising

Your horoscope takes more than usual twists and turns in December, the trick being to prioritise accordingly. The new Moon of December 1st sets a flurry of agendas. Being in the zone of home and hearth, domestic matters call for attention and given there’s a retrograde Mercury – your ruler – involved. Villa Virgo may need repair and refreshment. That backsliding Mercury may also return you to old times, lost relatives, former chums. Mercury stops its backslide on the 15th, also the date of a full Moon at the peak of your chart, where Jupiter is in happy residence. At the least this looks like an exuberant weekend, and may deliver welcome career news, something to keep you in the headlines (for the right reason).

or the first week of the month Venus remains onside in Capricorn, very handy for displays of affection and fine company, while later, of course, comes the winter solstice as the Sun reaches Capricorn  to grant you an, uh, mellow passage into the festivities. A new Moon in the Goat on December 30 is a good omen for parties and playtime and for romance. Partnerships remain a possible source of frustration. Saturn is just gathering speed after November’s turn around, asking difficult questions about money, relationships, property – important stuff, perhaps the elephant in the room that shouldn’t be ignored any longer.

Libra and Libra rising

Librans are customarily people persons, meaning they like to be in company and while happy with a wide circle of acquaintances also like to have strong relations with simpatico souls. On that basis December looks well aligned for you. The new Moon in the Centaur on December 1st is firstly about siblings and friends, and with Mercury retrograde, old pals may emerge from the mists of time. From the 7th your ruler, fair Venus, takes up an optimum position in your ‘scope (the solar fifth house) for all social and romantic matters, with Venus making a series of promising aspects for the rest of the month. There’s Pluto on the 7th (intense), Mars on the 12th (ultra romantic), Jupiter on the 22nd (inspiring) and Prometheus on the 29th (surprising). Something for everyone in fact.

In addition, the full Moon of the 15th is next to Jupiter and accentuates associations or meetings with people from well off your beaten track – likely an international contact – or who bring high-mindedness to your projects. Jupiter over the next six months remains very much about quests. Meanwhile Venus in Aquarius makes you the angel atop the tree over Christmas.

The new Moon of December 30 pulls you somewhat down to earth to practical matters, and given that Mars will be spending the opening months of 2025 at the top of your ‘scope, to the promotion of your career.

Scorpio and Scorpio rising

You may be required to step gingerly this month, which may feel like ‘one thing after another’, especially in the first two weeks. One potential source of annoyance is Mercury retrograde at the new Moon of the 1st, which falls in your cash zone. Best be fastidious about finances and ensuring that what is promised gets delivered. The full moon of the 15th is also on your money axis and beneficial Jupiter may deliver a handy windfall or find your spouse has drained your joint account.

Then there is your ruling planet, Mars, near the peak of your ‘scope, and in retreat, which could signal a promising situation from last month now falling apart. Or a work colleague being particularly waspish. At the opposite end of the axis is Venus, transiting your domestic zone and bringing support from family (while spending a lot on new furnishings!). You may also glean positives from Saturn in fellow water sign Pisces, which in recent weeks should have cleared the air of any confusion in your love life. Things calm down once the solstice arrives, with the Sun in Capricorn taking up a supportive position for the festive season and a new Moon on the 30th as a palette cleanser for the new year.

Want to know the Key Astrology Dates 2025 to help you plan ahead?

My webmaster, fellow astrologer and friend Pam Carruthers has compiled 2 FREE REPORTS. The New and Full Moons in 2025, followed by the Mercury Retrograde and Eclipses Report.

The most important days in the entire year to avoid launching any new projects are the days of the Solar and Lunar eclipses and the days when Mercury goes Retrograde.

The Karmic Axis

Eclipses are major turning points in the year. In astrology they are indicated by the nodes of the Moon. The Lunar nodes aren’t planets. Eclipses happen when there is an alignment with the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. When these are aligned eclipses occur, which happen twice a year.

The Moon’s Nodes form an axis in astrology, which in our birth chart is said to represent one’s destiny or spiritual quest in life. The North Node points to a key lesson in our lives. It represents new experiences towards which we must aim during this life. We have already learnt the skills of its opposite point, the South Node, in the past. Now we must grow and stretch ourselves through the North Node.

In the birth chart this polarity indicates your past life (south node) and destiny (north node). This is known as the Karmic Axis. So the people born in that time span are our Soul group. In approx. 19 years the cycle repeats, so people born 19 years apart from us share the same lunar node sign, and are also aligned to our Soul group.

To sum up, eclipses are powerful new or full moons. Ideal for rituals and meditation but not good for parties, weddings, or any celebrations.

Sign up for 2025 Free Reports by Pam Carruthers

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